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Vegan Saskatoon Crisp

4 Healthy Saskatoon Berry Recipes to Try This Summer + Where to Pick Saskatoons in Alberta | Vegan Gingered Saskatoon Peach Crumble | Wild Saskatoon Berry Crumble | Honeyed Saskatoon Cherry Gimlet | Summer Bounty Salad with Saskatoon Cider Vinaigrette | Gluten Free Saskatoon Citrus Banana Bread | Plant Based Serviceberry and Prairie Berry Recipes | Dairy Free, Gluten Free and Refined Sugar Saskatoon Recipes | Calgary Lifestyle and Food Blogger //
Breakfast, Dairy Free, Dinner, Food, Gluten Free, Local Love, Lunch, Paleo, Roundups, Salads & Bowls, Summer, Travel, Vegan, Vegetarian


It’s the height of summer here on the Alberta prairies — which means our saskatoon berries are ripe and ready for picking! Longtime readers will know I have quite an affection for this quintessentially Albertan berry, and every August, my saskatoon recipes become the most viewed pieces of content here at JustineCelina. Today I’m compiling them all for you in one convenient location with this 4 Healthy Saskatoon Berry Recipes roundup, as well as sharing Where to Pick Saskatoons in Alberta! If you’ve always been intrigued by these antioxidant-packed berries but have never known what to do with them (or where to find them!), you’ve come to the right place! Consider this post your one-stop resource for everything you’ve ever wanted to know about saskatoon berries as I share my favourite saskatoon berry picking spots and tips along with 4 plant based saskatoon recipes incorporating them into seasonal breakfast, baking, salad, cocktails and dessert!  

Have you ever tried a saskatoon? While they’re sometimes called Serviceberries, Juneberries or Prairie Berries and resemble blueberries, they actually taste quite different. Believe it or not, Saskatoons are actually more closely related to roses (hailing from the Rosaceae family) and have a deeper, richer, nuttier flavour that’s somehow wilder than blueberries — it’s very distinct and difficult to describe! Saskatoon berries also pack a nutritional punch, containing high levels of protein, calcium, iron, and antioxidants — making them a wonderful addition to a balanced diet. If you live in an area where saskatoons grow, I highly recommend getting out to sample them for yourself while crops are at their peak. With the intense heatwave we’ve been experiencing lately, this year’s crop will likely fade before mid August — so there’s no time like the present! Since the season is fleeting, I was eager to publish this roundup for those of you looking for extensively tested saskatoon recipes that utilize local, seasonal ingredients and are free of dairy, gluten and refined sugar. If you’re picking saskatoons this summer and are looking for some fresh ideas (or details on my favourite saskatoon u-pick locations), I’ve totally got you covered! 

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