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Calgary Travel and Lifestyle Blogger

Hello 2020 | Morants Curve Photos | Morant’s Curve Winter 2020 at Sunset | Bow Valley Parkway Winter 2020 | Bow Valley Winter | Highway 1a Banff to Lake Louise Lookouts | Canmore Scenic Drive | Best Things To do in Lake Louise Canada During the Winter | Getting to Lake Louise | Canadian at Morant's Curve | Snow Covered Canadian Mountain River Valley | The best winter scenic drives in the Canadian Rockies | Calgary Travel and Lifestyle Blogger //
Business, Goals, Inspiration, Life, Planning, Travel, Wellness, Winter

HELLO 2020

Happy 2020, beautiful people! I’m sitting here on this snowy Tuesday morning in my fuzzy slippers and housecoat with a big mug off coffee typing my first actual blog post of the new year (as January’s Digital Blooms were prescheduled so we could enjoy a restful couple of days in the mountains ushering in a new decade, where I captured these photos!). I mentioned in my December Soundtrack that we had surprise New Year’s Eve plans and I had absolutely no idea what was in store — that is until about 5pm that day! We spent the final moments of 2019 checking in to our favourite Canmore resort, sharing a bottle of wine and getting ready for an NYE-themed dinner at our favourite restaurant before dashing back to our room to ring in the new decade infront of a roaring fire with bubbly. It was absolutely lovely, relaxed and magical — just what we needed to wind down after a very full year and busy (but very merry!) holiday season! 

From Christmas until January 3rd I prescheduled all of my content — and although it made for some very late nights and early mornings prior to my break, it’s the first time since starting JustineCelina that I wasn’t working at all over the holidays. Isn’t that wild? While I’m fully aware that this the the norm for most, for me, for as long as I can remember, it’s been anything but. I didn’t log into social media, write or capture any content, check the blog or go online at all, really (okay — maybe to peruse some Boxing Day sales with my niece!) — and it was blissful. My first work day of 2020 commenced last Friday after some serious R&R in the mountains feeling recharged, refreshed and reinspired. What a concept, right? Just before the holiday season, I stumbled on a tweet that really resonated with me (wow, how millennial of me!) — “Please take your rest as seriously as your hustle.”. For the first time in nearly 5 years since starting JustineCelina, I’m carrying that energy into 2020! So, unlike years past, this is not a 2019 Review + 2020 Goals post — but rather, a raw and transparent read about what’s on my heart as we ease into a new decade.

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