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Affordable Eye Creams

Paula’s Choice Resist Anti-Aging Eye Cream Review //
Reviews, Skincare


It’s been awhile since I’ve done a skincare post, so today I wanted to bring you a review of my new favourite eye cream — the Paula’s Choice Resist Anti-Aging Eye Cream! Whenever I test a product out, I use it for as long as it takes for me to really understand how the product works, and see the results the product claims. I’ve been using this eye cream for the past two months, and I really love it! If you’ve been with me for awhile, and are familiar with my Skincare 101 post (where I walk you through my entire skincare routine), you may be a bit confused about by why I’m using a specific eye cream — because in that post I mention that you can use any well formulated eye cream around the eyes. And while that’s true, Paula’s Choice set out to create ‘the best eye cream possible’ to answer consumer demand (watch the video about Paula addressing the subject here). Their customers were looking for a product specifically formulated for the delicate eye area, so Paula’s Choice answered back. And I just had to try the best eye cream possible!

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