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healthy trail mix

Toasted Trail Mix //
Baking, Breakfast, Dairy Free, Dessert & Treats, Food, Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian


Last weekend we were getting ready to go for a hike at Lake Louise and I decided (last minute, of course!) to make some trail mix for the road. It turned out to be really delicious (even the chipmunks liked it!), so today I’m sharing the recipe with you. My Toasted Trail Mix is more like a mixture of trail mix and granola — it’s full of awesome, nourishing, all-natural ingredients, and brimming with antioxidants to help fuel your day. It gets nice and toasty in the oven, and the toasted flavour is complimented by a bit of maple syrup, cinnamon, and a dash of cayenne powder for that little bit extra! I also like to enjoy this trail mix on top fruit parfaits and smoothie bowls to kick my breakfast up a notch — it’s a versatile recipe that I love having in my kitchen.

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