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hibiscus tea

Super C Hibiscus Berry Smoothie //
Breakfast, Dairy Free, Flowers, Food, Gluten Free, Smoothies & Juices, Vegan, Vegetarian


To kick things off here at JustineCelina, I thought I would share a recipe for one of my most popular Instagram photos. I came up this this recipe during an intense flowering hibiscus tea drinking phase earlier this winter. Hibiscus tea always reminds me of the time I’ve spent in Huatulco Mexico, where hibiscus flowers grow wild. I’m transported back to that place every time I take a sip! In Mexico, the dried hibiscus flowers used to make this tea are known as “Jamaica” (pronounced hah-mike-ah). My Super C Hibiscus Berry Smoothie is inspired by an Agua de Jamaica drink I enjoyed during my last trip.

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